Der iSAX Expertenservice beim HUBTIQUE-Event

June 19, 2024

It’s always exciting to see how the right impetus can turn an idea into something new: HUBTIQUE celebrated its premiere last Tuesday. The initiative was created by members of the N WOW RheinNeckar association and focuses on how work can be made more effective and sustainable for both people and companies.

The workshop was led by Bettina Hofstätter and Joerg Grimm, as well as Andreas Loroch, who was also the host. Guests included Markus Väth, a former co-founder of New Work RheinNeckar. In his lecture, he presented his vision of “Radical Work”. The basic idea: to create a difference in the way people work through meaningful activities that are characterized by modern leadership, constructive collaboration, effective processes and social relevance. The aim is for individual employees to concentrate only on their main focus and leave secondary activities to those whose specialty they are. The aim is to create collaboration that is as effective as possible.

The subsequent panel discussion took the form of a “fishbowl”, a concept that was previously unknown to us. The discussion began in a kind of modern circle of chairs with the experts Christine Grimm, Stefan Heiler and Dr. Christian Kugelmeier. The main topic was “Progress, regression or the leap into the unknown” with regard to new working methods. As soon as one person had finished their contribution, they made room for a new person to give their input on the topic. This resulted in an exciting discussion with very different views.

It was great that, as an outsider, you could immediately see which point of view the new speaker represented, as you had to decide on one of the three positions at the start of the event.

In conclusion to the fishbowl, it can be said that change always means a leap into the unknown and it is therefore very important to pick up your employees where they stand. Taking people by the hand and actively walking the new path as a manager, but also taking up ideas and impulses from employees and trying to realize them.

We are already looking forward to the next exchange at HUBTIQUE, but also at the monthly New Work meetings in beautiful Heidelberg.

Author: Vanessa Heitlinger